
2021-06-21 15:31:28

舒畅 世通研究院媒介公关部主任,搜狐新闻成都站总经理。深耕媒体行业逾16年,互联网媒体资深策划师,主编,商务运营官,先后供职于世华财讯,搜房网房天下,界面新闻四川频道,搜狐网等。积累多年政务,商业,财经,房产行业媒体运营经验。助力世通研究院扎根四川,放眼世界。

Chengdu Institute of World Affairs CIWADirector of Media and Public Relations. General Manager of Sohu News Chengdu. Deeply involved in the media industry for over 16 years, she is a senior planner, editor-in-chief and business operation officer of Internet media. She has worked for Shihua Caixun, Soufun.com, Interface News Sichuan, Sohu.com and so on. She has accumulated many years of experience in media operations in the government, business, finance, and real estate industries. She has helped Chengdu Institute of World Affairs CIWA to establish its roots in Sichuan and to look at the world.
