龙兴春/Dr.Long Xingchun
长期从事国际关系、中国外交、中国周边关系、印度政治与外交、跨文化交流、国际传播和公共外交等研究。在《光明日报》、《南亚研究》、《南亚研究季刊》、《现代国际关系》、《中国社会科学报》、《世界知识》和《人民论坛.学术前沿》等学术期刊发表学术论文20多篇,在中国社会科学出版社出版专著《印度大国外交》,参与翻译《印度外交政策分析-回顾与展望》,参与编写著作3部;主持完成教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目1项,参与多项国家级课题研究,获得省政府三等奖1项;为政府相关部门撰写十多份资政报告。 目前主持国家社科基金研究课题1项。
在《环球时报》(中、英)、《国际先驱导报》、《北京日报》、《新京报》、《华夏时报》、香港《南华早报》、《央视网》、《澎湃新闻》、《亚太日报》等多家媒体发表国际关系评论200多篇;经常接受《环球时报》、《参考消息》、《北京商报》、《南方日报》、BBC、CNN、印度The Hindu, Hindustan Times、俄罗斯卫星通讯社等众多中外媒体采访。经常应凤凰卫视、东方卫视、深圳卫视等电视节目邀请参与讨论国际关系。先后赴美国、印度、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马、韩国、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔和新加坡等国从事访学和学术调研。
The president of Chengdu Institute of World Affairs (CIWA), professor of School of International Relations at Sichuan International Studies University (SISU). Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Charhar Institute in Beijing; An adjunct senior fellow of the Academy of Regional and Global Governance under Beijing Foreign Studies University.
He received his MA in international relations from the Institute of South Asia Studies at Sichuan University; obtained his PhD in International Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University. He was a visiting scholar of Johns Hopkins University SAIS(2011-2012);Department of International Relations, the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka(2016);senior visiting fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore(2018).
His research interests include Indian politics and foreign policy, China’s relations with South Asia countries, South Asia international relations, public diplomacy and international communication. He published about 30 articles in academic journals and more than 200 op-ed pieces on media, mostly on Global Times.
Email (Skype ID): franks.long@hotmail.com