成都世通研究院成立于2020年5月10日, 位于中国西南四川省成都市,是一家主要从事国际问题研究的非官方智库,由中国知名国际问题专家龙兴春博士和多位志同道合的同仁共同创建。成都世通研究院的英文名称是“Chengdu Institute of World Affairs”,首字母缩写为“CIWA”。成都世通研究院笃信“世界是通的”,致力于促进中国与世界各国间的理解、交流与合作,为世界的和平与发展贡献中国智慧。



Chengdu Institute of World Affairs (CIWA) is an independent think tank based in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China. It was founded by Dr. Long Xingchun, a well-known Chinese scholar in the field of International Relations, and a group of link-minded experts who share the same goals and ideals. Upholding the idea that “the world is well-connected,” CIWA strives to promote mutual understanding, transnational communication, and international cooperation between China and the world and to contribute Chinese wisdom for the preservation of peace and development of the world.  

Through various means such as publishing research reports, academic articles, and newsletters, hosting discussion seminars and panels, promoting academic exchange programs, and writing opinions pieces for or receiving interviews from the media, CIWA is dedicated to recommend innovative and practical suggestions for the government and policy makers, to offer distinctive perspectives as a think tank for universities regarding international exchanges and cooperation programs, to provide corporations with financial consulting services regarding international investments and trade, and to serve as a platform facilitating the public to understand the world.
