Being a staging post for US' strikes against Afghanistan is a bad choice for India
2021-09-17 发表作者:龙兴春文章原载:《环球时报》(英文版) 2021/9/16India-US relations Illustration: Chen Xia/GTAccording to Indian media reports, the US is in touch with India about using it as a staging post for aerial strikes in Afg
2021-09-14 发表作者:龙兴春 成都世通研究院执行院长当国际社会高度关注在美国撤离之后阿富汗局势将如何发展时,印度国防问题研究学者提出,围绕阿富汗问题,中国、俄罗斯、巴基斯坦和伊朗可能形成“新四方”机制,类似于美国、日本、澳大利亚和印度的“四方安全对话”。美国智库哈德逊研究所的政治军事分析员也附和称,印度学者所言的“新四方”格局不是没有可能。印度总理莫迪(资料图)美国及其盟国不负责任地撤离阿富汗后,留下了千疮百孔
2021-09-14 发表作者:龙兴春 成都世通研究院执行院长文章原载《今日头条》 2021年9月9日9月7日下午,阿富汗塔利班宣布成立新政府,公布了“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”的临时政府机构以及部分内阁成员名单。塔利班发言人穆贾希德在喀布尔发表声明说,塔利班最高领导人阿洪扎达将以埃米尔身份领导国家。阿洪扎达当天发表声明“祝贺阿富汗人民从外国统治中解放出来”。这是塔利班上个月接管阿富汗以来阿洪扎达首次发表声明,不过目前为止仍然
Pak-China joint security paradigm for Chinese nationals – better option!
2021-09-13 发表The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the flagship of China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative by President Xi Jinping in 2013. China has invested tens of billions of dollars in Pakistan o
Hype of ‘new Quad’ reflects India’s guilty conscience as an accomplice to threaten peace
2021-09-06 发表作者:龙兴春文章原载:《环球时报》(英文版) 2021/9/02IIllustration: Liu Rui/GTSome in India have hyped-up the idea that after the US and its allies leave Afghanistan, a "new Quad" between China, Russia, Iran an
Naïve for India to label US as most trusted country
2021-08-18 发表A survey of the urban Indian youth by India-based think tank Observer Research Foundation, which was released on August 15, showed that 77 percent of respondents "rated the US as the country they
India double betting in Afghanistan to prevent pro-Pakistan govt
2021-07-28 发表Afghan security force members are seen on a military vehicle during a military operation in Zhari district of southern Kandahar province, Afghanistan, June 22, 2021. (Photo: Xinhua)Afghan Army chief G
Afghan situation … regional powers need to fill vacuum!
2021-07-06 发表Editor's Note: The writer, Mr. I. Hussain Janjua is a senior media professional and analyst having experience of research & broadcast journalism in different organisations. He is a non-residen