India flexing its muscles at the border shows its loser mentality
2021-11-17 发表The Indian military on Thursday told the Supreme Court: If the Indian Army cannot move its missile launchers and heavy machinery up to the northern China-India border, then how will it defend it and f
Being a staging post for US' strikes against Afghanistan is a bad choice for India
2021-09-17 发表作者:龙兴春文章原载:《环球时报》(英文版) 2021/9/16India-US relations Illustration: Chen Xia/GTAccording to Indian media reports, the US is in touch with India about using it as a staging post for aerial strikes in Afg
Hype of ‘new Quad’ reflects India’s guilty conscience as an accomplice to threaten peace
2021-09-06 发表作者:龙兴春文章原载:《环球时报》(英文版) 2021/9/02IIllustration: Liu Rui/GTSome in India have hyped-up the idea that after the US and its allies leave Afghanistan, a "new Quad" between China, Russia, Iran an
Hype of ‘new Quad’ reflects India’s guilty conscience as an accomplice to threaten peace
2021-09-06 发表作者:龙兴春文章原载:《环球时报》(英文版) 2021/9/02IIllustration: Liu Rui/GTSome in India have hyped-up the idea that after the US and its allies leave Afghanistan, a "new Quad" between China, Russia, Iran an
Afghan situation … regional powers need to fill vacuum!
2021-09-06 发表Editor's Note: The writer, Mr. I. Hussain Janjua is a senior media professional and analyst having experience of research & broadcast journalism in different organisations. He is a non-residen
India double betting in Afghanistan to prevent pro-Pakistan govt
2021-09-06 发表Afghan security force members are seen on a military vehicle during a military operation in Zhari district of southern Kandahar province, Afghanistan, June 22, 2021. (Photo: Xinhua)Afghan Army chief G
Naïve for India to label US as most trusted country
2021-09-06 发表A survey of the urban Indian youth by India-based think tank Observer Research Foundation, which was released on August 15, showed that 77 percent of respondents "rated the US as the country they
2021-09-09 发表作者:龙兴春 成都世通研究院执行院长文章原载《今日头条》 2021年9月9日9月7日下午,阿富汗塔利班宣布成立新政府,公布了“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”的临时政府机构以及部分内阁成员名单。塔利班发言人穆贾希德在喀布尔发表声明说,塔利班最高领导人阿洪扎达将以埃米尔身份领导国家。阿洪扎达当天发表声明“祝贺阿富汗人民从外国统治中解放出来”。这是塔利班上个月接管阿富汗以来阿洪扎达首次发表声明,不过目前为止仍然